Mykhailo Vorobiov

Department of Physics
Virginia Commonwealth University


Department of Physics

Virginia Commonwealth University

701 W Grace St

Richmond, VA


I am currently a PhD candidate at the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Physics.

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My ongoing interests concentrated around the physics of semiconductors, and point defects in wide-bandgap materials, in particular. Broadly, I am intersted in Light-Matter Interactons, including nonlinear optical effects. As an experimentalist, I am obsessed with using modern microcontrollers, FPGA and other electronics for experiment control and data acquisiton. 3D printing of optical components and mechanics are among of my recent interests.

Solid State Physics
Point defects

selected publications

  1. PhysRevB
    Point defects in beryllium-doped GaN
    Vorobiov, Mykhailo, Andrieiev, Oleksandr, Demchenko, Denis O., and Reshchikov, Michael A.
    Phys. Rev. B Dec 2021
  2. PhysRevLett
    Shallow and Deep States of Beryllium Acceptor in GaN: Why Photoluminescence Experiments Do Not Reveal Small Polarons for Defects in Semiconductors
    Demchenko, D. O.,  Vorobiov, M., Andrieiev, O., Myers, T. H., and Reshchikov, M. A.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Jan 2021